Chinese translation

Applet text

# This file contains a value for each key. In english, as default language.

# AfterUploadSuccImp
serverOutputStart = ·þÎñÆ÷ÏìÓ¦ (¿ªÊ¼)
serverOutputEnd = ·þÎñÆ÷ÏìÓ¦ (½áÊø)

buttonBrowse = ä¯ÀÀ ...
buttonRemoveSelected = Çå³ýËùÑ¡
buttonRemoveAll = Çå³ýËùÓÐ
buttonRotateLeft = ÄæʱÕëÐýת
buttonRotateRight = ˳ʱÕëÐýת
buttonUpload = ÉÏ´«
buttonStop = ֹͣ

preparingFile = Îļþ×¼±¸ÖÐ {1}
uploadedFileName = ÉÏ´«ÎļþÃû³Æ
infoUploading = ÎļþÉÏ´«ÖÐ {1}
infoUploaded = ÉÏ´«ÁË {1} ¸öÎļþ¡£µÈ´ý·þÎñÆ÷µÄÏìÓ¦ ...
nbUploadedFiles = ÒѾ­ÉÏ´«ÁË{1}¸öÎļþ
errUploadNotReady = ÉÏ´«Î´×¼±¸ºÃ
errWaitTooLong = µÈ´ýʱ¼äÌ«³¤
errDuringUpload = ´íÎóµ¼ÖÂÎļþÉÏ´«Í£Ö¹
errHttpResponse= ·þÎñÆ÷HTTPδ±ê×¼ÏìÓ¦.ÉÏ´«Ê§°Ü.
questionSendMailOnError = ÉÏ´«¹ý³Ì·¢Éú´íÎó¡£ÄúÏë·¢ËÍËùÓÐÏà¹ØÐÅÏ¢¸ø¹ÜÀíÔ±Âð£¿

errFileTooBig = ¶ÔÓÚ{1}ÎļþÌ«´ó ({2} bytes)

colName = Ãû³Æ
colSize = ´óС
colDirectory = Ŀ¼
colModified = ÐÞ¸Äʱ¼ä
colReadable = ÊÇ·ñÖ»¶Á

errDuringLogManagement = ÈÕÖ¾¹ÜÀí·¢Éú´íÎó

chooseAlbumFirst = ÇëÏÈÑ¡ÔñÒ»¸öÏà²á.
coppermineUploadOk = ÔÚÑ¡ÔñµÄÏà²áÖÐ,ͼƬÔÚ·þÎñÆ÷ÉÏÕý³£¼ÓÔØ.\n\nÏÖÔÚµã»÷OK¼ü½«ÕâЩͼƬµÄÃû³ÆºÍÄÚÈݹØÁªÆðÀ´.\n\n±ðÍüÁ˵ã»÷'Ó¦ÓÃÐÞ¸Ä'±£´æÄúµÄÐÞ¸Ä!

tooBigPicture = ͼƬ {1} Ì«´ó. Ëü½«²»±»ÐÞ¸ÄÉÏ´« (ÎÞÐýת, ÖØÖôóС...)¡£
notAPicture = Ãû³ÆΪ'{1}'µÄÎļþ²»ÊÇͼƬ. Ëü½«²»Äܱ»¼ÓÔص½Í¼Æ¬ÉÏ´«µÄÁбíÖС£

buttonClose = ¹Ø±Õ

PHP part for the Coppermine plugin

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// File jupload.php
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

if (defined('JUPLOAD_PHP')) {
	$lang_jupload_php = array_merge (
		  'link_title' => 'JUpload',
		  'link_comment' => 'Upload files to the gallery, with the help of an applet',
		  'perm_denied' => 'You don\'t have permission to perform this operation.<BR><BR>If you\'re not connected, please <a href="$1">login</a> first',
		  'select_album' => 'Please, choose an album, where you want to upload pictures',
		  'button_update_album' => 'Update album',
		  'button_create_album' => 'Create album',
		  'success' => 'Action success !',
		  'error_select_album' => 'Please, choose an album first',
		  'error_album_name' => 'Please give a name to the album.',
		  'error_album_already_exists' => 'You already own an album with this name.<BR><BR>Please click on the <I>Back</I> button of your navigator, to type another title for your new album.',
		  'album_name' => 'Album name',
		  'album_presentation' => 'You must select an album here. The pictures you\'ll send to the server will be stored in this album. <BR>If you don\'t have any album, the album list is empty. Use the \'Create\' button to create your first album.',
		  'album_description' => 'Album description',
		  'add_pictures' => 'Add pictures to the selected album',
		  'max_upload_size' => 'The maximum size for a picture is $1 KB',
		  'upload_presentation' => 'If the square below definitely refuses to display the applet, and the navigator indicates that there are errors on this page, a good idea would be to install the java runtime plugin.<BR>After, upload is really simple! Click on <B>Browse</B> to select files or use drag\'n\'drop from the explorer, then click on <B>Upload</B> to send the pictures to the server.'
		. "<BR>To use the <U>old upload page</U>, <a href='upload.php'>click here</a>.",
		  'album' => 'Album',
		  //Since 2.1.0
		  'java_not_enabled' => 'Your navigator doesn\'t allow java. The upload applet need java. You can easily download it from the <a href="http:\\\jre\">java web site</a>',
		  //Since 3.0.0
		  'picture_data_explanation' => 'Click on this link, and enter data in the fields below, if you want these to be applied to all pictures in the next upload.',
		  'quota_used' => 'You are currently using $1 MB ($2%) of your $3 MB of storage.',
		  'quota_about_full' => 'Remove some pictures, or ask the admin to make your quota bigger.'

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